Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. To use the template files, simply download the zip file containing the set of templates and save them to your templates folder for the next time you create a Revit family or start a new project. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of setting up your templates in Revit. To save the pattern to a project template, open the template file and create the pattern there. Finally, you will cover printer and site settings, sheet issues and revisions, and more. This video tutorial will cover topics such as editing wall tags, structural settings, mechanical settings like duct and pipe, electrical settings, and the material takeoff schedule. Brian will teach you about visibility, such as visibility graphics and view filters and templates. Creating Parametric Components in Autodesk Revit Architecture Figure 2: When using a Generic Model family template, it is important to set the Family Category and Parameters. You will learn about annotation styles and patterns, tags and titles, and title blocks.

You will start by learning how to create a template from scratch, including working with levels, elevation tags, and legends. We are still green with knowledge of the program including some of the terminology. After mucking through a couple small projects we are determined to create a template to help streamline this process. This course is designed for users that already have a basic working knowledge of Revit. I work for a small firm (6 people) and we are all learning Revit without any real formal training. Consideration of Access Levels, Stamps, Tags, Custom Issue Filters, and Reports (although there are more in-depth tutorials for each of these subjects). In this Revit Template Creation training course, expert author Brian Myers teaches you how to set up office templates and standards in Revit. In this video, we will walk through how to create a project template and copy settings over to newly created projects.